Friday, Feb. 18, 2005
How not to binge and a blast from the past

Weight: 97
Mood: contemplative

I was reading a very good article in a health magazine yesterday, about bingeing. I don't usually buy health magazines but this one is quite interesting. Not your average "lose 10 pounds in 10 days" sort of thing. As anyone my size would know, bingeing is my biggest source of worry and anxiety when it comes to food. Obviously, it's not the reason why I am anxious (more the result!) but it doesn't help me when I'm trying to be healthy and good and when I'm trying to learn to love myself.

Anyway, reading this article helped to me to understand what I was doing wrong. These are the main suggestions:

1. I should never promise myself I would do better tomorrow or the day after. In order to beat the need to binge, I need to manage the state itself, as it happens. If I binge, it should a conscious decision, i.e. I should say to myself "now I'm going to binge!"

2. It's important that I don't feel like I've blown it. I'm kind of doing that already. I stopped myself from feeling guilty and negative.

3. I should tell everyone around me that I am trying to lose weight. Now, I used to find this one really easy to do but nowadays I just can't face it because my thoughts go straight to the negative aspect "If I fail, everyone will laugh at me and won't trust me ever again. I'd better just keep it to myself this time". However, I do need support. I need to tell people at work and my family that I am doing something important for me so they can help out and give me support. This is certainly something to think about.

4. I should build my self-esteem by doing non-food related things that make me feel good, like shopping for books, going to galleries, going to the hairdresser's more often, make CD compilations and going to the cinema.

5. Most important of all: I should learn how to relax. In fact I should try meditation classes, as a colleague of mine suggested. She wants to do it too so I'll probably try and go there with her. If I learn how to relax I will then be able to control my urges and negative feelings.

Also, I think this diary is a great, great help. Especially if other people read it, because that give me the motivation to write in here. What this diary is helping me to do is to face my addiction to food, my subconscious perception of food as a solution to anxiety and stress.

The other thing I wanted to do today was to post a photo of myself (minus head, as usual!) as I was in 1999. Needless to say I wasn't happy about my weight then either but wow, what a difference:

posted by fattomato at 09:32 GMT

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