Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005
Changing my attitude

Weight: 97
Mood: Confident

It's great to feel happy and determined and not very hungry at all. I haven't decided what type of diet I am going to follow but my main priority will be to eat healthily. I should mention here that I am a pescaterian (I only eat veg and fish), so I get my proteins mainly from nuts (I love pecans) which are fattening. I know they are good for you though so today I've been nibbling on dried pineapple and nuts and I didn't have a sandwich for lunch as I usually do. This weekend is going to be difficult because we're going away to Paris but I'll try hard not to blow it.

Anyway, I was saying that I haven't yet decided what type of diet I should follow. I find WW suits me in theory but I don't like the meetings and counting points is a real hassle and makes me concentrate on food all the time. I'll work it out in the end though, I'm sure. What I'm going to try and do is post my progress here every two weeks. I've created a page called progress (see the menu) and everything will be recorded in there.

One of the main things now is to write down a list of the things I should be changing in my attitude to nutrition, exercise and generally lifestyle. I'll try and be as specific as possible:

Carbs: My aim is to only eat bread every other day and only eat pasta or rice twice a week. I'd hate to cut carbs altogether because I don't agree with the Atkins approach to dieting - I wouldn't be able to do it in the long term therefore it's not a good idea for me. However, as I'm in love with pasta and bread-based food, I'll definitely have to cut down on them.

Sweets: My aim is to only have pudding once a week, either on Saturday or Sunday. I've got a terribly sweet tooth and this is going to be difficult but I'll always have sugar-free jelly and skinny cow ice-creams to hand to fill the void. I'll definitely cut out on office cookies etc.

Portions: My aim is to reduce my portions of high-calorie meals to about half. In order to do this I'll eat more steamed veg and salad on the side with all of my meals. When I go to a restaurant I'll give half of my main course to my husband if it's fattening (god, he'll love my new system) although I'll always try and make good, healthy choices.

Exercise: My aim is to walk and climb stairs with every given opportunity. I'll make an effort to walk at least 3 bus stops before I get on the bus home in the evening. I'll go and play squash every week at the sports centre.

Calm and meditation: I've always been the anxious type and I can't stand still for a minute. I'll make an effort to have at least one hour of calmness, listen to music and light candles - not watch telly or sit in front of the computer. I'll have a bubble bath once a week (something I'm not used to. I like my showers!)

Beauty: My aim is to take care of myself, something I've never done in my life before (only a few weeks before my wedding in 2002!) I'll use face masks, have bubble baths, and drink a lot of water. And whatever else makes me happy!

posted by fattomato at 20:43 GMT

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